McCanns in Honduras

Let the nations be glad & sing for joy!

Recruiting Trip: Orlando

I know it seems like I was just here, but I am back in the US again this week for a week of recruiting.  The reality of the situation in Honduruas is that although we have two families working hard, there is just a lot to do.  Looking down the road, we see a great need for more interns, short-term, and career missionaries.  The process of getting to the field, as those of you who have followed our journey know, can be quite long.  Training, finances, and language learning take time, so the seeds we hope to plant now won’t see fruit for years to come.

 Walt Disney World Entrance by meeko_

All that to say, I have been in Orlando the past two days at our demination’s annual meeting, General Assembly.  It has been a great opportunity to share our vision, promote Honduras, and generally raise awarness.  I even had the opportunity to share at MTW’s luncheon today with over 300 people.

Ironically, though I am staying in Disney World, I have not set foot outside except to walk from my room to the meeting areas.  In fact the picture above is the closest I have gotten to anything Disney related during my two days here. 

In the morning, I am off to Atlanta to help with a conference for folks interested in missions.

June 18, 2009 Posted by | Our Blog | Leave a comment